Billologist – Your Personal Bill Specialist

Save Money By Doing The Things You Always Put Off!

Save Money By Doing The Things You Always Put Off!


Some of us have already been working from home for a few weeks now and it looks like it might be some months until we return to life as we once knew it. However, what we all need to do is look at the positives of the current situation, take hold of the valuable time we have available to us at the moment and make the absolute most of it. This is the perfect opportunity to get to all those jobs we never have time for and put off month after month.

Here are some suggestions on how you can use this time to put some serious savings back in your pocket:


  1. Review your Energy Plan

Did you know that in the last decade the price of electricity has increased by 50%? It means that many of us pay more than half of our disposable income on our energy bills and that is particularly a problem for people who earn a low income. 

All that aside, there is a simple way for you to make sure you’re on a good deal and that is to use an Energy Bill Review service like Billologist. It’s free and convenient and they provide you with a bill review based on your current usage if you send the Billologist team a recent bill. The best part is they do all the hard work for you, save you from being on the phone for hours and arrange new cheaper connections for you. It’s a no brainer service really that sees you saving money.


Review My Energy


  1. Review your Broadband Plan

Again, Broadband is another essential service that can really cost you if you’re not on the right plan. Often when we move home we join any broadband provider just to get the service-connected and live normally. What we don’t realise, is that we’re often put on a 12 – 24 month plan that continues to roll over and then we end up paying more and more for a service when we don’t need to. By providing a current broadband bill to a Billologist, you can either obtain assistance to go on a cheaper plan or they will let you know that you’re on a great deal, but you really don’t have anything to lose by checking.


  1. Check your current Home Loan

Interest rates are at an all-time low right now and it would be to your benefit to make sure your current mortgage is the best one you could be on. People are literally saving thousands a month by refinancing, so why shouldn’t you? By sending your details through to Billologist, you can be on your way to accessing the assistance you need to review your current home loan and hopefully gaining access to some serious savings.


  1. How much are you paying for Health Insurance?

Whether you’re single or have a family, health insurance is a huge cost to anyone and it gets more expensive by the year. Again, this is not something that you should sit idle on and need to consider reviewing your plan yearly to ensure you’re on a great deal. I know, I hear you, it’s a painful process… but this is why Billologist exists, they will link you to Health Insurance experts who will find the plan that best suits you and your needs with no frills attached, assisting you to find a great deal is completely free.

It’s time to really enjoy the simple things in life, spend time alone or, if you can, with family or friends you might live with as well. But it’s also a huge opportunity to take hold of your life and catch up on the little niggly things that annoy you but you never do anything about because it’s too hard or too painful. Review your bills today to keep your hard-earned money in your pocket!


Review My Bills


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